3.31.13 - Formula is Our Friend

We brought formula with us on our trip and gave it to Mara for the first time. The first night she refused it which surprised us since she usually is such an easy baby. However, as you can see, day two was a success! It is nice to know we have this as an option now.

3.30.13 - We've Arrived!

We finally made it to Florida! It was a little chillier but her daddy couldn't wait to get her in the pool for the first time!

3.29.13 - Mara's First Road Trip

We are now at the "everything is meant to be chewed on" stage. No complaints on the way down to Florida though because this helped to keep her occupied on the long trip. She really did very well!

3.28.13 - Whole New World

She has recently figured out how to hold onto things. This rattle is one of her favorites. 

3.27.13 - Sleepy Girl

She is such a good sleeper in her carseat...here's hoping our road trip to Florida in a couple days goes well! P.S. - I'm still loving the hat!

3.26.13 - Snuggly Girl

This is what I came home to after parent-teachers conferences. Love!

3.25.13 - Big Happy Girl

We hadn't put her in this chair for such a long time , so when we did the other night it was easy to see how much she has grown. 

3.24.13 - Celebrating a New Baby Boy!

We are so excited to meet him and had so much fun decorating onesies in preparation for Aaron and Mandy's soon-to-be new addition!

3.23.13 - New Hat

Another gift from the early Easter bunny. I can't get over how cute it is!

3.22.13 - Early Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny (aka...grandma) came early this year. I am sure Mara will appreciate this picture when she is older!

3.21.13 - Late Dinner Surprise

This is was I got when Corey made me a pb&j sandwich after parent-teacher conferences. :)

3.20.13 - Goodbye Bassinet...

Hello pack-n-play. I know I've said it before but she is growing way too fast. 

3.17.13 - Look Who Is Holding Her Own Bottle

You send them to daycare for less than two weeks and look at the tricks they pick up! Such an independent girl...too bad she can't get the milk when she does this!

3.16.13 - We Have a Thumb Sucker

She has been able to get her thumb to her mouth but has never been able to fully suck on it until now. She is still a paci girl but this is great when it falls out.

3.15.13 - Harder and Harder

This is what I have to kiss goodbye each morning to go to work...not easy.

3.13.13 - It's a Jeep Thing

Picture coming soon.

Can't wait to get out when the weather is warm this summer running with Mara and this. Thanks Corey for the great birthday present!

3.9.13 - Precious Time with Aunt Katelyn

Aunt Katelyn decided that she was in need of some Mara time and planned a trip for everyone to come over for the day. What a treat!

3.5.13 - Story Time

I don't know who talks more during this nightly ritual. It is so cute to listen to her talk to her daddy when he reads to her.

3.3.13 - Growing Like a Weed

Mara is officially into 3 month clothing which means we can break-out all of the cute outfits people gave us. This was the first one...I just love the little gray and white leggings!

3.1.13 - Lunch with Daddy!

Our last chance before momma has to head back to work. Everyone who walked by commented on how cute she was. We totally agree!