SAT - 10.31

My girls sporting their cute Halloween outfits that Aunt Donna sent from New Jersey! I am one lucky Mama!
Happy Halloween 2015

FRI - 10.30

Tummy time doesn't quite serve its purpose if baby falls asleep each time...
She's lucky she's cute!

THURS - 10.29

How is she one month old already? We are still trying to figure her out. Currently she likes to eat constantly during the day and allows Mama a little break during the night. However, not before having bouts of projectile spit up and fits of angry cries for a couple of hours. My poor baby...
She has changed so much!

WED - 10.28

Daddy is in Nashville for a couple days and I am outnumbered! Wish me luck!

TUES - 10.27

Four pumpkins to represent the four weeks we have been a family of four. Very reminiscent of the three week post with Christmas stockings when Mara made us a family of three. 

MON - 10.26

Daddy is going to be gone many of the nights between now and Halloween so we carved pumpkins tonight. I was impressed that Mara was willing to roll up her slevees and dig some of the filling out herself! 

SAT - 10.24

Enjoying a beautiful fall day at the park. Mara made a new friend as soon as we got there. Her and Liam chased each other around for almost an hour and she loved every minute of it. 

FRI - 10.23

The only caption that fits these photos is "Hop on Pop."  Kenna's face cracks me up in all of them. Daddy better get used to this!

TUES - 10.20

The weather and timing finally worked out for us go and pick out our pumpkins tonight. Mara made sure that she got a big one and that we picked out one for each person in our bigger family. 

MON - 10.19

Makenna seems to be real unhappy or uncomfortable from 9-10 each night no matter what we do to comfort her. Tonight we tried to use a pacifier to sooth her. She liked it for a minute but I'm not sure it served its purpose. I hope we figure her out soon so that we break this nightly ritual for us all. 

SUN - 10.18

Today we ventured out to Boo in the Zoo so that our little butterfly could show off her costume. I was so pleased with how well Kenna did in her carrier. She slept the whole time! Mara's favorite this time was the gentlemen making music with the crowd. Mara was quick to join in!

SAT - 10.17

We cheered the Spartans on to victory on the same day that we got to meet the newest Brunner, sweet little Josie! We love her already! 

FRI - 10.16

First family road trip with two girls! Thankfully, we were able to make it almost all of the way to our destination without any hunger cries. But poor little Kenzie...our pup was relocated to the very back of the car. Any guesses on how long it is until we purchase a bigger vehicle? 

THURS - 10.15

Playing in the leaves is just one of the perks of the fall. I love this season and so does Mara! 

TUES - 10.13

Daddy and Mara playing her Daniel Tiger game. The pictures on the bottom show them acting out being surprised, noise that is too loud, and being angry. This is the first time that Mara was able to play the game moving her own game piece, spinning the spinner, and drawing her own cards. She is growing up so quickly!!!

MON - 10.12

So thankful someone is feeling better!!! Daddy headed back to work today and Grandma Woodard came over to hang out with Mara. Tonight I felt confident in Mara's health to have the girls together again. Let the friendship and unbreakable bond between sisters begin! 

SUN - 10.11

This has never happened before and is just evidence of how bad she is feeling. Mara is a creature of habit and only sleeps when in her bed. This morning she woke up with a fever and an upset stomach. While we were trying to make some food to try to get her to eat at lunch, she fell asleep on the floor in the middle of the living room. It pained me, but we had to keep the girls apart which meant that I couldn't comfort her. I pray my big girl is feeling better soon! 

SAT - 10.10

First Family Movie Night with all four of us! 
Also, carrots and peanut butter...its whats for dinner! 

FRI - 10.9

One of the perks of becoming a big sis is all of the fun stuff people bring/send for you to play with. Today's treasure came complements of Trav and Jess. Thanks guys! Mara loves her new Curious George matching game. 
One of the perks of becoming a new Mama is that this is how I get to spend much of my time. I can't get enough of my Kenna's snuggles! 

THURS - 10.8

A little over a week late but late is better than never. We'll see if I can remember to take these photos each month. :)

WED - 10.7

Mara absolutely loved this toy when she was a newborn and today she was able to share it with Makenna. Sharing quickly changed to taking it over with her own babies. She is such a good little mama!

TUES - 10.6

Just a preview of the family photos we had taken today. I can't wait to get them! 

SUN - 10.4

Even though the weather turned much cooler the night Kenna made her entrance into the world, we are still enjoying some family walks out in the sunshine. Mara loves to run ahead of us and Kenna is enjoying both her stroller and being in the carrier. I'm just happy that recovery is going so well and that I am able to be out and about before the weather gets far too cold. 

FRI - 10.2

Mara showing off her sister at daycare today sporting her new "B is for Big Sister" shirt. That smile says it all!

THURS - 10.1

Uncle Johnny and Aunt Katelyn came too!
Also, we got to head home today. Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Bob stuck around to help us transition to being at home with two little ones. They took Mara to a local park and sent us this gem of a photo!