6.29.13 - Katelyn's Bridal Shower

We had so much fun celebrating the upcoming nuptials of Katelyn and Johnny. Less than one month away!

6.24.13 - Shenanigans with Momma

Mara rode sitting up in a shopping cart for the first time today and she loved it! Do you think she will appreciate the picture with the headband when she is older? 

6.23.13 - Mara's First Bike Ride

This was Corey's Father's Day present and it just arrived. He was excited to get it out and put together so that we could go for our first family bike ride. As you can see, Mara loved it!

6.21.13 - Love

One for each year we have been married and still going strong after a week. <3

6.20.13 - And Standing...

I surprised everyone by being able to do this for a couple minutes tonight! 

6.19.13 - Working on Sitting

Momma and I are working on sitting. I am getting better at it every day!

6.18.13 - Beautiful Girl

Somebody was a perfect model for the camera today. I am constantly mesmerized by her eyes. What a beautiful girl!

6.17.13 - Much Better

Someone is feeling much better this week. We had her 6 month shots last week and she was not a pleasant girl for a couple of days. Momma and Mara were both much happier today.

6.10.13 - Quick Learner

Mara showed us tonight that she has this whole eating solids thing down. Her mouth was wide open before her daddy could even scoop up the next bite! So cute!

6.9.13 - My Little Doll

All dressed up and ready to go to the first wedding of the season. 

6.8.13 - Seriously....

I'm related to these two clowns? 
Just so you know... I didn't ask them to do this and they both just happened to make funny faces. They may be goofy but it is easy to see that they love their cousin Mara and it is so cute to watch. 

6.7.13 - Blue Eyes

Though she looks a lot like her daddy, these eyes are pure momma. 

6.4.13 - My Favorite

These are my favorite flowers in the yard and when I was taking this picture a hummingbird flew directly into my shot. A little sad I wasn't able to catch it on film but it was still an amazing moment. 

6.2.13 - Sleeping on her Belly

She never seems to really enjoy her tummy time but this is how we found her today during her nap. Huh...

6.1.13 - Family Time with the Jogger

It was really hard to get a picture in which both were looking at the camera.