TUES - 2.28

Daddy always comes up with the silliest ideas! That is why we love him so much!

MON - 2.27

Keeping this house clean requires us all to help out. It isn't uncommon for Mara to ask me if she can dust. Sure child! You can dust any time you want!

SUN - 2.26

A pic from another date last night. We are on a roll this year! I think we have already tied the number of dates we went on all of last year and it is only February! 

SAT - 2.25

What do you do when Daddy digs matching dresses out of the closet on a cold Saturday morning? Have a sister dance party of course! These are a common occurrence these days. Kenna, still working on perfecting her dancing skills, spins in circles the entire time!

FRI - 2.24

Kenna has been testing out new faces this weekend. This might have been my favorite!

WED - 2.22

So, last week we found drops of blood all over the front porch and then later all over the front foyer. Long story short, Kenzie had a cut on her ear that kept opening. Daddy got off of work early to take her to the vet to get things checked out. The ear looks good but the doc decided that the lump that we discovered that morning on her eyelid needed to be removed. We had that done today and Kenzie is less than thrilled to have to wear this thing 24-7 for the next week. 

TUES - 2.21

Miss Danielle to the rescue! Daddy had class tonight and Mom was stuck at school for parent teacher conferences. We didn't realize the scheduling predicament we were in until just a few days before. Thank goodness we have good neighbors who can step up when we are in need. She came over and fed and entertained my children until Miss Kelsey was able to get out of class. It takes a village! 

SUN - 2.19

The warm weather lasted long enough to enjoy the swings by Grandma's lake!

THURS - 2.16

Kenna's newest hiding spot...the corner of the toy bookshelf. 

WED - 2.15

Mom: "I really like your dinosaur picture Mara." 
Mara: "It isn't a dinosaur, Mom. It is a picture of a bat trying to take a Christmas tree." 

TUES - 2.14

Mara is always overjoyed when her Daddy is able spend time at her school with her. Today he was her special guest at their Valentine's Day Class Party. 

SUN - 2.12

She really makes the best coach and motivator. "You can do it Mama!"

SAT - 2.11

Nothing like sitting in a couple of bag chairs with your sister in a pink collapsable castle. This castle has been a favorite in our household since Christmas and I would be surprised if it lasted till next Christmas with all of the wear and tear these girls inflict on this thing. They roll around in it all over the place, bending the sides this way and that, giggling the whole way. 

FRI - 2.10

All snuggled up to watch the Trolls movie that just came out. I am always amazed at the amount of time and effort we have to put in to get Mara to be willing to watch a new movie. Tonight's movie brings us up to a sum total of 3 movies (Frozen, Tangled, and Trolls) that she will watch. Each movie is first introduced with months of reading the book and watching the different song clips. Even after that, Mara still needed to have the book open and on the bed next to her. Each time she got a little scared, she would turn to that part of the book and place her hand on that page until the scary part was over. She has such a sensitive soul!

THURS - 2.9

Mara showing off her pigtail braids again. This is still her favorite hairstyle!

WED - 2.8

This girl has to do everything just like her Big Sis! Today this meant that she needed to have a backpack just like Mara. 

MON - 2.6

No one in this house eats rice with me...that was true until today! I knew I could count of Kenna to share my love of rice! You go girl!

SUN - 2.5

We finally got her hair to keep a curl (even if only for a minute!)! Someone feels so beautiful!

SAT - 2.4

I love watching these two love on each other. Here they are in their matching pajamas (a nightly requirement by Mara), FaceTiming with Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Bob, giving each other tons of bear hugs! Having and sister is simply the best!

FRI - 2.3

Where is Mara? Just a quick snapshot of tonight's game of hide-and-seek. I wonder where she could be...

WED - 2.1

We had a couple of Mini-Mamas tonight. Both girls made sure their babies were well fed and comforted when they were crying. Kenna even started walking around bouncing and "sh-sh-shing" her baby. So cute! Thanks Miss Kelsey for the babies!