WED - 11.30

Just being a little goofy tonight with Miss Kelsey. Mara loves that her friend lives just downstairs!

TUES - 11.29

 Mara was beaming from ear-to-ear when she came home from school today wearing her birthday crown. I always love how much joy she finds in the little things in life!

MON - 11.28

Happy Birthday Mara Lee! How it is that this little ray of sunshine is 4 already? She is the best big sis Kenna could ask for and we appreciate her goofy, helpful, and oh-so loving heart. She is such a blessing and we couldn't love her any more than we already do! 

SUN - 11.27

We almost made it four years into parenthood without at trip to the ER. All that came to and end tonight when Kenna woke up coughing with Croup a little after nine. She was a trooper about it and was back home, in bed, and sleeping by midnight. I think I was more worried than my girl (if you can't tell from the photo). I really hate it when my children are REALLY hate it. 

FRI - 11.25

I don't understand the obsession with Kenzie's dog bed but both girls had the best time goofing around in it tonight. The giggles were contagious!

THURS - 11.24

Careful...she may look sweet but she is turning into quite the card shark!

WED - 11.23

Please let me in! There are so many things for me to play with in there! 
This is currently our strategy for keeping Kenna out of trouble. This little curious creature is into EVERYTHING at the moment!

TUES - 11.22

Tonight we got Mara's first progress report from school and I was such a proud Mama. She can already count up to 39 and working so hard in school. We had to go get some ice cream to celebrate this little star student!

SUN - 11.20

 Finally getting to sharing some of our family photos from last month! I heart them!!!
 Look at her blue eyes sparkle! Don't be fooled...this little monster did not sit still for very long! 
Their personalities are perfectly summed up in this bottom sisters photo!

SAT - 11.19

FINALLY!!! She is finally showing some interest in books. Brown Bear is a new favorite in this house!

FRI - 11.18

Operation Christmas Child
Mara picked out each and every item that we carefully packed to bring a little joy to another little girl!

THURS - 11.17

Tonight was Parent Watch Week at Mara's dance class. Can you spot her in the photo? She's the little munchkin in the middle totally paying no attention to her teacher or what she is supposed to be doing. Our little rule follower was just too excited to have us there tonight to pay attention. I love her and just love how much she loves her family! 

WED - 11.16

This big girl has to do it all by herself just like her big sis! Still hoping they get their teeth genetics from their Mama! Fingers crossed!

TUES - 11.15

Kenna showed off that she was just as big and responsible as the rest of us tonight by putting her own clothes in the laundry. She is our child for sure!

MON - 11.14

Let the holiday season begin! This little reindeer was my little helper tonight! She carefully picked out some items for her Daddy and her Little Sis! 

SUN - 11.13

I think most of them are at least looking in the direction of the camera...
One of these times we will get a good one! 
Josie, Kenna, Arlo, and Mara

SAT - 11.12

Traditional MSU football game! We actually won this one! (This was not our season!)

THURS - 11.10

This girl and her guac obsession! Gets me to take a photo every time! 

WED - 11.9

This is currently the closest we have gotten to family camping...watching Frozen in the tent in the middle of the living room (wearing matching jammies of course!). How long until we take this party outside and into the woods? 

TUES - 11.8

I have to admit - this puzzle is pretty tough! It is actually 6 puzzles in one since each side of the cube creates a different puzzle. First you have to get all of the cubes on the right puzzle and then figure out how to fit them all together when each piece is the exactly same shape. Mara worked very hard to put all of the pieces together just right. This picture perfectly captures how proud both she and her Mama were!

SUN - 11.6

Today we borrowed a riding/bagging lawn mower from our neighbor and Mara was more than thrilled to be able to help Daddy clean up the yard. Hopefully this will help make spring clean up easier! How long until Daddy (or Mara) is going to want one? 

SAT - 11.5

Look who is on the move on just two limbs! Go Kenna! She had been getting close for awhile now but this weekend she really took off!

FRI - 11.4

Mara saw Kenna's owl hat and just had to dig her old one out as well. I swear these girls wish they were twins. They have to do (and wear) everything just like the other! 

TUES - 11.1

Halloween left Kenna all tuckered out! Seriously! This girl is not a back sleeper but all of the excitement and craziness of last night has knocked her out! Life is rough!