12.30.13 - Bath-time Smiles

She is now crawling to the bathroom all on her own after dinner most nights because she knows it is bath time and she is so excited for it. 

12.29.13 - Sledding

While mommy and daddy were watching basketball, Miss M went sledding with grandma for the first time. Thanks for taking pictures grandma! She looks like she loved her outdoor adventure!

12.27.13 - Ball Pit

It took some convincing but Miss M quickly figured out all the fun she could have in this new toy! I am obsessed with her smiles!

12.26.13 - Tired Girl

Cashed out with a Christmas present in hand! What an exciting two days she had! 

12.25.13 - Christmas Take 2

Mara almost slept the entire day due to all of the excitement yesterday but woke up just in time!

12.23.13 - Go Figure...

Of course I should have expected that she would have more fun with the box the wagon came in than the actual wagon! Daddy decided to join in on the fun too! 

12.22.13 - Daddy's Girl

Even though she has already told us she is done eating and has gone back to playing, Mara manages to crawl over to her daddy and convince him to give up some of his too. (All it takes is a little smile!) I love watching these daddy-daughter moments!

12.19.13 - Miss M's Mullet

The good news is that her hair is finally coming in! I love her little mullet!

12.16.13 - Getting Ready For Christmas

She loved getting the tissue paper at the bottom and then tearing it to shreds. Kenzie tried to get in on the action too.

12.14.13 - Christmas Mail

It has become a daily ritual to let Miss M sort through the mail first.

12.12.13 - Silly Hat

For some reason she thinks it is so funny to try to balance things on her head. I don't understand it but it sure is adorable!

12.7.13 - Daycare Christmas Party

We are so blessed to have these two individuals to love on our daughter as we work. 

12.6.13 - Christmas Photo Session

We were going to use these for our Christmas card but decided to go with something else. I had to bribe her with cheese and Cheerios to get some of these smiles but it was totally worth it!

12.4.13 - Little Monkey

She loves climbing up, over, and around everything. This is what I see when she climbs up and over my legs to get to her toys on the other side. I love seeing her little feet in the air!

12.3.13 - It Begins...

We are officially playing with princesses now... I love that her favorite thing to do with this castle so far is playing peek-a-boo through the doors. She is such a little sweetheart!!!

12.2.13 - Big Smiles

She is loving exploring with all those new toys from her birthday.