SUN - 7.31

Today was the perfect day to take a hike at a local park in search of some delicious wild blackberries (Mara's favorite). We attempted to put Kenna in the carrier on my back for the first time but she wasn't having it. She protested by pulling my hair until I gave up on the idea. We'll have to keep trying it though because I am not quite sure I'll be able to carry her on my front very much longer. This girl is growing like a weed! 

SAT - 7.30

Today we ventured over to the Critter Barn for the first time this summer. Mara still loved the bunnies and the little chicks. She again worked up the courage to hold one all of her own! The biggest highlight of the day was when Daddy got to milk a goat! Crazy! 

FRI - 7.29

Lil Miss is quite the climber! Today I was laying with her on the ground in front of the couch when she decided that she wanted to be on the couch instead. To accomplish this task she climbed up and over me. Then, when she decide it was time to get down, she simply fell back on top of me to make it to the ground safely. I have a feeling that she is going to be a little dare devil! 
Also, how is she 10 months old? Kenna did not want to cooperate during this photo session but we still got some pretty cute shots! Her crinkle smile is still my favorite and she is trying to figure the whole walking thing out. So far we have only managed to stand a few times on our own before quickly falling over. I will say that she has mastered the art of falling gracefully and manages to do so without bonking her head. Her newest expression (in the bottom left photo) is when she shrugs her shoulders and puts her hands up as if to say "I don't know." Sooooooooo cute! 

THURS - 7.28

Some pictures from our crazy day! We were supposed to fly out to see Great Grandma Ruth but our flight was canceled. We learned this only after we had arrived at the airport on the other side of the state. We were all disappointed but Mara took it the hardest. She was really looking forward to seeing everyone in New Jersey. We are hoping to reschedule the trip and I am really thankful that both girls did really well with all of the driving we did today. They were in good spirits or sleeping the whole time! We truly are lucky to have them!

WED - 7.27

 Looks like little sis is finally figuring out how to float. She is not happy about it but she is doing it!
Mara had some crazy awesome after-nap hair today!

TUES - 7.26

This elephant is delicious Mom! I just love how her eyes smile!

MON - 7.25

 This girl loves her guacamole! She especially loves it when mom lets her hold the container all of her own. I can't believe how much she loves eating real food! 
Today was Mara's "Turkey Day" in swim lessons. This is the day that she goes in and shows off her skills while fully clothed just to make sure that, not matter the circumstances, she will rely on her survival skills if she were to fall into a body of water. We call it "Turkey Day" because the silly turkey jumps into a pool fully clothed at the end of the book Blue Hat, Green Hat. Mara has always loved this book so it was such a great connection to make to swim lessons. Mr. Michael had never heard of this book before so we brought it along today and read it to him before our lesson. Looks like Mara taught the teacher something new today! 

SUN - 7.24

 This little puddle fanatic was in heaven this morning! 
Most of my runs happen during nap time which means I get stuck inside on my treadmill, only being able to see the beautiful sunshine through the window next to me. This means I jump at any chance to run outdoors on the weekends. I convinces myself today that being outside, regardless of the fact that the humidity level is currently 85%, would be totally awesome and so much better...

SAT - 7.23

We are all trying to beat this heatwave! Here, Mara is showing off and being goofy in an attempt to get some smiles/giggles out of her sis. I hope this joy they have in being together and interacting never goes away! 

FRI - 7.22

Two peas in a pod! Today I walked in to find these two each reading a book in Kenna's room. Mara loves, loves, loves to read and Kenna wants to be just like her big sister (notice how, when Mama got her camera out, Kenna looks up and sticks her tongue out). I hope that Makenna learns to love reading as much as her big sis and my heart just melted when Mara starting "reading" to her little sis. Makenna was all ears! 

THURS - 7.21

Today we had a tree attempt to come into the house (to get out of the storm) through the slide door to eat lunch with Mara who was sitting right there. Mama is not a fan of storms and this doesn't make me feel any better about them... I am just so thankful everyone is safe and no damage was done. Mara ate the rest of her lunch in the basement but who could blame her? 

WED - 7.20

We are going to need much more practice but Mara loved playing some T-ball today. She has already asked numerous times to go outside and do it again!

MON - 7.18

Mara playing the role of a good pet owner by helping me take Kenzie to the vet. 

SUN - 7.17

Makenna had some pretty rocking hair when she got up from her nap today!

SAT - 7.16

Only our toddler would be able to eat an entire ice cream cone of Superman ice cream in the middle of July in a white shirt and not require Mom to do some serious stain fighting after. Not a single drip folks! 

FRI - 7.15

GRandwich 2016
This yearly tradition grew by two little ones and an Aussie this year! It was such a treat to have Ben in town with us as we ate some yummy (and some not-so-yummy) sandwiches. We stumbled upon this little competition 6 years ago and have made it an annual event ever since. 

WED - 7.13

I guess someone learned how to stand up in her crib. This is what I saw when I opened the door to get her up this morning. It feels like she learns something new all of the time. She is growing up way too fast...slow down girl! Also, Kenna starting doing the cutest thing this week. For the past three baths Corey has turned the water on to fill the tub while the girls and I were in the living room. As soon as Kenna hears the water running she crawls all the way to the bathroom. At first we thought it was just a coincidence but she has repeated the behavior two more times. It is amazing how much babies figure out so soon!!!

MON - 7.11

Tonight we put the girls in the bike stroller again today and took an after dinner adventure out to the local park. Mara was overjoyed to share her favorite park activity (swinging of course!) with her baby sister and Makenna couldn't stop smiling once she was hooked into the trailer.
I couldn't help but compare this bike trip to the last one. Our girls are growing like weeds and I swear that I put sunblock on them! 

SUN - 7.10

 Picture perfect evidence of how Makenna wants to do everything just like her big sister! And, we're all in our bathing suits because...
SWIM LESSONS START AGAIN TODAY! Please pray that we have fewer tears than last year, that Mara quickly remembers the skills she learned before so that refresher lessons can go quickly, and that this Mama doesn't have a heart attack when she has to put her nine month old in the water!

SAT - 7.9

I can't believe this happened today! We have been trying to get Mara on a jet ski for a while now and she has always quickly refused. We haven't wanted to force her but we just knew that she would love it if she would only give it a shot. It turns out that all of the encouragement Mara needed was to be turned into a Mama and Grandma sandwich! Look at those smiles! She went around Grandma's lake super fast numerous times and wanted more when we initially attempted to turn in. You Go Girl!!!

FRI - 7.8

Emma and Flynn came over today and took a spin in Mara's car around the yard. 

THURS - 7.7

She makes such a mess but loves every minute of eating real big people food! 

WED - 7.6

Mara may need a little more practice dressing herself yet! 

TUES - 7.5

Mara was so excited to surprise Daddy at work today with a GIANT birthday balloon!!! As soon as she handed it to him she made sure that he understood that he needed to bring it home with him that night so that the family could all play with it! We also ate at one of Daddy's favorite lunch places and totally wore Kenna out with all of the fun we were having! 
We love him so so much! Happy Birthday Babe!

MON - 7.4

We pulled the cushions off the couch tonight to make a little climbing course for little miss explorer tonight and she LOVED it! She climbed all over it and was so proud of herself! Big sister Mara was so happy to show her how it was done and to give her lots of encouragement along the way.

SUN - 7.3

 Goofing off on a family boated around the lake this morning!
Believe it or not but this was our first bonfire this year. It was waaaaaaaaay overdue! All of the kids loved the fireworks that Grandpa Woodard bought this year and everyone stayed up way too late but these are the things that memories are made of! 

SAT - 7.2

Jalen and Corey were great sports about playing "Bean Boozled" tonight. It was part of Corey's birthday present from the Oostings and these two were the only ones brave enough to give it a try. Corey worst bean was spoiled milk and Jalen thought the barf jelly bean really took the cake. Gross!

FRI - 7.1

Sister smiles in Mom's new (to us) double jogging stroller. There is nothing like pushing 50+ pounds when running in the crazy humidity of summer! In all actuality, it feels great to be out and running again!