MON - 2.29

 FINALLY!!!! I wonder how long this will last...can we go for two?
Happy 5 months to this little cutie! I only get to have this post because it is a leap year!

SUN - 2.28

We couldn't resist getting the stickers out again today. She loves to making goofy looking faces with these things!

SAT - 2.27

I had a conference that I needed to attend today which left Daddy in charge for much of the day. I was sent text updates to make myself feel better but I totally knew everything was going to be just fine. He really is the best with both girls! Uncle Johnny and Aunt Katelyn were also able to visit which totally made Mara's day. It is so great to watch these two interact with our girls. They are so sweet and engaging! Aunt Katelyn is more than happy to walk in circles holding Kenna to keep her happy for hours and Uncle Johnny is often found crawling on the floor through tunnels right with Mara. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people to call family! Also, call me crazy, but I think Kenna looks a lot like her Aunt Katelyn in the photos above! 

TUES - 2.23

We have officially reached the "everything goes straight to my mouth" stage and she just looks so cute doing it. Some of Mara's toys might have to "disappear" for a little while...
We also got to have a tea and book party with our bestie Emma!

MON - 2.22

Daddy had a meeting tonight so we had a girls' night. Mara would chime in here and tell you that there are "no boys allowed!" Being alone with both girls used to frighten me but balancing two has become the new normal for us. 

SUN - 2.21

We are officially getting ready for the beach! Mara wouldn't take her's off for the rest of the night. 

SAT - 2.20

Loving this decent weather in February that lets us get out to take some hikes. Family selfie!

FRI - 2.19

Mara is practicing her babysitting skills on all of her babies. 

THURS - 2.18

Another lesson on how much Mara watches us and wants to do everything that we do: she was so proud of the fact that she was able to hang up her coat in the lockers by the door all by herself. 
She is quickly becoming the most photogenic baby ever! 

WED - 2.17

Someone thought she was looking pretty sweet in Mama's glasses. What a goofball!

TUES - 2.16

Our little sleeping beauty. She is still getting up a couple times each night but we are working on it and broke the streak of getting up every couple hours that reappeared the other week. Tonight when I checked on her before heading to bed myself this is how I found her. So sweet!
Also, this is how we found Mara after a few moments on silence (always a scary realization when you have a toddler). I cannot believe how much this girl loves books! 

MON - 2.15

Tonight I took a chance and let Mara do my hair. I think I had about seven different clips in there at one point. We had to take a moment to learn the importance of opening a clip before removing it from the hair...a very important lesson when your hair is on the line!

SUN - 2.14

 The girls were all too thrilled about posing for some pictures to send some Valentine's Day love to their grandparents and Great Grandma Ruth. I just look at their smiles, the joy in their eyes, and their beautiful faces and am overcome with just how blessed we are to have these two little munchkins! 
We also took some time today to have a Valentine's Day photo shoot with Makenna to match what we did on Mara's first February 14th. She was the cutest little model! Daddy worked really hard for all of these smiles but the effort was totally worth it in my opinion! 
Mara's First Valentine's Day 2013
Makenna's First Valentine's Day 2016

SAT - 2.13

Look who started rolling from her back to her belly today! She was so proud of herself (if you couldn't tell from her smile)! Such a big girl! To get these photos all I had to do was place the light up toy away from her on the blanket and within about two minutes she had rolled right over to it. This makes me think she is going to be grooving around the house in no time. Please pray for us!

FRI - 2.12

Everyone was (almost) looking right at the camera on our first attempt at this family selfie! What are the chances?

THURS - 2.11

This week we started to get some farm fresh eggs from a woman I work with. This was our first dozen and they are delicious!

WED - 2.10

Her hair turned out so cute tonight for dance class! She seems to be liking being in dance but we can't really get her to tell us much about it. Hopefully we'll learn a little more after class tonight. 

TUES - 2.9

Makenna is starting to have so much fun exploring and interacting with so many new things. Tonight she was having a ball laying on her playmat and batting at the owl. She seemed to really like the crinkly wings and the sound of the bell rattling. 

MON - 2.8

 Mara still loves riding Sandy at Meijer each time we go. However, she renames every horse she sees to Shanghai just like Aunt Katelyn's horse. We could be in trouble if she wants a horse later in life. 

SUN - 2.7

It was almost 40 degrees outside this weekend so Mara and I went for a ride in her car. She loved driving me around but I'm afraid that she still needs to work on her turning skills. 

SAT - 2.6

The girls just love Facetiming with Grandma and Grandpa on Saturday mornings! We are all a little jealous of the fact that they get to escape all this cold snow in the winter. 
Later we wore our Spartan gear to cheer our team on to another victory (over UofM)!

FRI - 2.5

She loves to read and looks so cool doing it! Her newest book obsession is a Bible for toddlers. She brings it with us everywhere and talks to you about all of the pictures of Jesus. It is super adorable!

THURS - 2.4

Hey y'all! Someone is really starting to ham it up for the camera! This mom doesn't mind one bit!

WED - 2.3

Mara was all smiles as she prepared to go to her first dance class tonight. I started dancing when I was her age and I love the idea of sharing this with her. We signed her up for a 3 month class in town. I can't wait to watch her little recital in April. I hope she loves it! 

TUES - 2.2

Makenna melted Daddy's heart tonight by holding onto his fingers when she ate from a bottle for him. Mom had a small surgery today and isn't able to feed her for 24 hours. I was really anxious about her feedings since she isn't consistently taking a bottle but Daddy is just the best in every way! He had her eating from a bottle almost 3 oz every 3 hours. This really helped to settle mom's nerves and gave her the chance to rest. 

MON - 2.1

Daddy looks so thrilled to be wearing Mara's tutu tonight...
The joys of raising girls. I expect it will be nail polish next!