THURS - 3.30

Cutest little bunnies I have ever seen! Just a couple of girls having some fun at Hobby Lobby as we pick up supplies to a little craft project to do over spring break. 

WED - 3.29

Trying on our Easter dresses tonight to see if they would work. One of them was not in the mood and the other can't wait to wear it. Can you guess which is which? 

MON - 3.27

Mara got her first haircut today! It took us so long to grow it that I never wanted to cut it, but it was past due. Having never had a haircut before, this girl was a little nervous and thought it might hurt. But she trusted her Mama now has healthy hair!

FRI - 3.24

Check out the new jewelry Mara made with her Daddy tonight! She thought it was the most delicious necklace she has ever had!

THURS - 3.23

Tonight we got to watch Mara sing a few songs with her classmates and then we visited her classroom to see some of the artwork she has been working on. She couldn't wait to get up to sing her songs in front of the large crowd and was sad when it ended because she wanted to keep going! When in her room, both girls loved showing off their balancing skills on this little balance beam. 

WED - 3.22

It was pajama and crazy hair day at daycare today. Mara made sure that both girls wore the same pajamas and their hair the same way (with a pony right on the top and a bow). We put both girls on a bench to take a photo and Kenna immediately started saying "Cheese" like she loved having her picture taken. That little stinker!

SUN - 3.19

This Mama got to fly away for a weekend to spend some quality time with her dearest friends! 

FRI - 3.17

I hope these two are always this close! The two of them walked hand-in-hand all the way to the car and I just followed behind them with the biggest smile on my face. 

THURS - 3.16

I don't know who had more fun: Mara (because she was on her class field trip), or her Mama (because she actually got to go on her class field trip). I took the day off, something I don't do very often, to spend some quality time with this little cutie. It felt so good to be able to be there with her and I quickly realized that this girl needs to be in gymnastic classes this summer!
We also had to chance to watch Mara in dance class again tonight. Let the Proud Mama moments continue!

WED - 3.15

I got to spend some quality time out tonight with my own Big Sis! 

TUES - 3.14

Monkey See - Monkey Do!
Both sisters watch each other closely and have to have and do everything just like the other. Uncle Ray and Aunt Debbie must have understood this when they bought the girls matching (Clemson) tigers for Christmas this past year. These were the toys of choice tonight and I ACTUALLY CAUGHT A SMILE on Kenna's face! Don't get me wrong, she is a goofy happy kid who smiles all the time. It just almost never happens when I have my camera out. 

SUN - 3.12

Getting Kenna to stop, smile, and look at a camera long enough for this Mama to get a picture is almost impossible. Now she has started to flat out shake her head and tell me "no" when I get my phone or camera. Get used to it babe! This Mama loves pictures and that is not going to change!

SAT - 3.11

We get delicious farm-fresh eggs from someone I used to work with on a regular basis. When making breakfast this morning we were surprised to get not just one but TWO double yokes! What are the chances? 

FRI - 3.10

These birthday flowers are opening so beautifully and make me think that Spring might just be around the corner! Thanks babe for surprising me with these!

THURS - 3.9

Mara was overjoyed to show off her dance costume for her upcoming recital in May. This brings back so many memories for me and, even though I miss dancing myself, I am loving seeing the joy Mara gets from it herself. She was literally grinning from ear-to-ear the entire time she got to wear it. I think this may have something to do with her deciding that her favorite color is now pink! 

WED - 3.8

She is looking more and more like her Daddy all of the time!

MON - 3.6

She was totally into this shape sorter tonight. I think it is so cool to watch her learn new things. She seriously sat here with either her Daddy or me for more than 20 minutes (a lifetime to a 17 month-old) sorting the shapes. 

SUN - 3.5

Each year we go to the butterfly gardens in the spring and Mara has always loved it in the past. She was chanting about the butterflies in the car the whole way there and was eager to introduce her Little Sis to them! That was, until she was actually in the room with them. Once there her fear of the unknown and uncontrollable set in and she immediately wanted to leave. She relaxed a bit when we got to watch a butterfly emerge from it's chrysalis but that didn't last. Kenna couldn't have cared less for the butterflies. She took this as an opportunity to take her Mama on a tour of each and every bench in the gardens, often weaving Mama through crowds of strangers. This picture was taken before all of this crazy adventures and is how I will choose to remember this wonderful experience! Grrr...

SAT - 3.4

We bought Mara this Rapunzel dress for Valentines day just for this event...Disney on Ice! This was a special Daddy-Daughter Date and Mara loved it!

WED - 3.1

Just more proof that boxes are so much fun! Look at those baby blues!