3.29.14 - Daddy's Little "Helper"

He may or may not have had to repeat a few of the steps in the process due to this little peanut. 

3.26.14 - What Do You See?

I choose to see my daughter reading and to avoid noticing that it is a clothing catalog. 

3.23.14 - Silly Girl

Miss M was given a Mrs. Potato Head today. Her favorite thing to do with it so far is try on the glasses. I love my nerdy, silly girl!

3.22.14 - Saturday Morning Cartoons

I finally broke down and let her watch some shows. She was a big fan. I think her daddy liked the snuggle time too!

3.20.14 - Choo Choo!

She is starting to talk like crazy! Tonight she was making the noise that a train makes.

3.19.14 - Newest Trick

She is now attempting to get on and off of this toy on her own. She was even able to move it a little all by herself and was quite proud! 

3.17.14 - Happy St. Patty's Day

Reminiscing about the green river in Chicago of St. Patty's days year ago spent with close friends. 

3.16.14 - Messy Face

Another example of a breakfast that was immediately followed by a bath. 

3.15.14 - Macaroni Face

Adventures in feeding ourself are officially underway. Note the noodle on her forehead. Goofy thing! 

3.14.14 - My Beautfil Girl

Credit for this photo goes to Grandma when she stayed with Miss M last weekend. She is so precious to us. 

3.11.14 - A Hint of Spring

We broke out the wagon for the first time for a family walk. I just love her eyes!

3.10.14 - Sippy Cup/Teether?

Someone has three molars coming through at the moment. She is chewing on everything. I'm just thankful she is still in good spirits!

3.9.14 - Birthday Weekend Day 3

Birthday Weekend Surprise #6: Randomly seeing an old roommate from college. :)

I had such an amazing time but was ready to go home to see what trouble my little sweetheart was cooking up. We came home to someone who is discovering how to use utensils when feeding herself. Let the days of really messy eating begin!

3.8.14 - Birthday Weekend Day 2

Birthday Weekend Surprise #4: Girls' day at the spa getting our nails, toes, hair and make-up done. 

Birthday Weekend Surprise #5: Amazing dinner out at Red Ginger which was secretly paid for by my parents (thanks mom and dad!).

Birthday Weekend Confirmation #3: No matter how much fun I am having, nothing made me more joyous than face-timing with my little girl. All of us were just a bowl full of giggles being able to see each other. 

3.7.14 - Birthday Weekend Day 1

Birthday Weekend Surprise #1: 3 day surprise trip up north.

Birthday Weekend Surprise #2: Time with friends who live both near and far. 

Birthday Weekend Surprise #3: Cross country skiing on a beautiful day in March. 

Birthday Weekend Confirmation #1: I am married to the most loving, thoughtful, and amazing man in the world!

Birthday Weekend Confirmation #2: I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for. I definitely felt loved by all of the time, words, and gifts that were bestowed upon me. 

3.6.14 - Thanks Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa arrived tonight in preparation for my secret birthday weekend. I am so thankful to have such wonderful and loving people to spoil my daughter with. Here is a picture of her out on a walk with them.

3.5.14 - Zander Metz

Attempting to get a nice photo tonight to document meeting Zander for the first time. He is such a cutie!

3.4.14 - So Lucky

Miss M and I are the luckiest girls in the world because we are loved by this man.

3.3.14 - Yummy Books

Apparently Miss M thought her books looked good enough to eat tonight. 

3.1.14 - Triangle Pancakes

Miss M's first time eating a triangle pancake. She saw us dipping them in syrup and demanded that she should have the same opportunity. Let's just say that we immediately had to take a bath after breakfast.