5.30.13 - Spring In Our Home

I just love walking around the yard this time of year; it is just one of the reasons why we fell in love with this house. And although we didn't realize how much work it would be, we truly enjoy the beauty in the end result of all of our hard work outside. Tonight we finally purchased some new plants and replaced some that didn't survive the winter or just weren't our favorite. Mulch this weekend....maybe...

5.28.13 - 6 MONTHS!!!

Happy 6 Months to my playful, goofy, beautiful, talkative, smiley and sweet little Mara!!! Daddy and I love you so much!

5.27.13 - Something is Missing

This is the view from the baby camera in our room last week and tonight. Can you spot what is missing? Baby girl is sleeping in her room for the night for the first time. Her momma is trying real hard to be ok with this. My baby girl is growing up...not a fan... Can anyone guess how many times I have gone in there?

5.25.13 - Spoiled Girl

Not only does this girl sneak out of our room at night to sleep on the couch, but she also uses the pillows. She's lucky she's cute!

5.24.13 - Friday Fun Night

It is so much fun being and playing with Mara but sometimes it is necessary to talk to someone who uses actual words! Handbanz has become the game of choice with this group and is a riot!

5.23.13 - Getting Ready for a Boat Ride

Had to get one of these for grandma's new boat and we're also hoping to head out to the cottage this Memorial Day weekend. Summer might finally be here!

5.19.13 - Rolly Polly

Last night Mara decided to roll over from her back to her belly for the first time and I just happen to have the video camera out when she did it (what are the chances?!?!). We were able to catch it on camera again tonight. Her daddy's facial expressions are priceless. He is so in love with our little girl. She then decided to turn her roll into a 360 and went from back to belly and then to her back again. It is amazing how proud you become of the little things in life when you have a child.

5.18.13 - Cousin Time

Lauren was helping me entertain Mara tonight. I think she was trying to play peek-a-boo. What a great cousin!

5.14.13 - Look at the Baby in the Mirror

Picture 1: Whoa! There is a baby in there!
Picture 2: Hey, that's me! Te he he.
Picture 3: Mom, come look!

5.13.13 - Typical Mara

It seems like all she wants to do it chew on her fingers right now. I'm wondering when we are going to start seeing some teeth!

5.10.13 - Splish Splash

This week Mara has really started to enjoy her bath time and splashing her daddy!

5.9.13 - So Much Personality!

Her face is so expressive. The middle one is my favorite and I crack up every time I look at it! Love my little silly girl!

5.8.13 - Old Dog, New Trick?

Due to the fact that Kenzie is a rescue puppy, we don't know her exact birth date. However, it is sometime in the month of May. To celebrate gaining another year in age she decided to try a new trick tonight...entering the house without waiting for the door to be opened. She was successful but mom and dad are less than amused. Looks like we'll be heading to the store for a new screen door. Happy Birthday Kenzie girl!

5.7.13 - Warm & Comfy

Set and ready to go all snuggly and warm to daycare. I expect she will only be wearing half of these layers when I pick her up! Gotta love springtime temperatures in Michigan!

5.4.13 - Kaytie's Bridal Shower

Let the crazy season of weddings begin! First up, celebrating my cousin Kaytie who is getting married in early July. 

5.3.13 - Our New Friends Have Moved In

The same new friends that I posted about last week have taken up residence in our front yard. If you look closely at the picture to the left you will see momma duck sitting on a nest. The picture on the right is what we found in the nest when momma duck left.

Update - I am sad to report that since we cut down the grasses that were providing cover to their nest, the ducks have abandoned it. We feel terrible but are still hoping they will return. I know...it isn't likely, but one can still hope.

5.2.13 - Such Luck!

She didn't have this expression on her face when I pressed the button to take this picture but she smiled and started talking by the time the picture actually took. I will cherish this photo forever!

5.1.13 - An Early Mother's Day Surprise

I came home today to an early Mother's Day present lovingly wrapped and decorated by my amazing husband and daughter. Her made sure to take pictures of the process because he knew I would want to see how it went. I just love how much love he poured into making my first Mother's Day special.