SUN - 1.31

Daddy really wanted some sushi today so we went to the downtown market for lunch. We were so proud of Mara attempting to use chopsticks and even sampling some sushi. He favorite part was the homemade coconut chip gelato though. Mom even enjoyed some for herself! Don't mind if I do. :)

SAT - 1.30

We put Makenna in the baby bouncer tonight for the first time. Just like when we first used it with Mara, she wasn't quite long enough for it and we had to put a cushion under her feet so that she could reach the floor. She looks entertained in these photos but it might be a little beyond her yet. We might try again in another month. 

FRI - 1.29

Happy 4 months Kenna-girl! She is getting so big and is just the happiest baby around! I love how smiley they are at this age!

THURS - 1.28

Mara was so pleased to have her hair braided just like Elsa's tonight. 

WED - 1.27

This toy has quickly become Makenna's favorite. She starts smiling and kicking her legs like crazy whenever she sees it. She even manages to get some of the teething rings in her mouth sometimes. 

TUES - 1.26

Mara attempting to catch some of the giant snowflakes on her tongue. The joys of being a kid! 

SUN - 1.24

 Life is much crazier with two little ones. Even though they live just across the street, we haven't seen our neighbors in months. Mara was so excited to play with Emma and Flynn this morning! 
After naps we got to spend some more time in the snow. Kenna joined in on the fun this time! 

SAT - 1.23

Today we got to celebrate the holidays with our daycare family. Again, having these two is such a blessing for us! 
 Today we also ventured out to find Mara her first pair of ballet and tap shoes. Her first dance class is starting next month. She definitely favored the tap shoes over the ballet shoes and truly enjoyed making tons of noise when we got them home to show Daddy and Kenna. 
Love my girls! 

FRI - 1.22

Loving this beautiful sunny January day! We don't get many of these! 

THURS - 1.21

Mara had so much fun sledding with Daddy for the first time tonight. She was giggling the whole time and enjoyed it for a long time even though it was cold. I was so proud of the fact that even though she fell out of the sled once and went face first into the snow, she didn't give up or become afraid. Instead, she got right back up and kept going. Such a brave girl! 

WED - 1.20

Another first tonight! We got our first giggles out of our Kenna girl. We even got them on video! Daddy had been trying to get her to smile while Mom and Mara were out on an errand but wasn't having much luck. Mommy was able to get some right away! (Sorry Daddy...) Music to a Mama's ears! 

TUES - 1.19

 Someone rolled from her belly to her back for the first time tonight! 
Mara was so excited to attend the open house at the school she will be going to next year. She walked right into the classroom and immediately started playing with everything. She was all smiles sporting her free shirt supporting the school. I can't believe she is old enough to go to school soon! Being the parent rather than the teacher is also a new experience for me but such a good one! 

SAT - 1.16

I woke up this morning to this precious girl eagerly waiting to give me the flowers she picked out for me while at the store with her daddy. Supposedly she saw them and just had to get them for me because "Mommy loves flowers!" I am so blessed!

FRI - 1.15

Another movie night. Tonight we watched some Doc with trusty old Findo by our sides. 

THURS - 1.14

Someone is getting stronger and stronger. She has hated tummy time from the very beginning. Most times she would just leave her face directly in a blanket or the carpet forcing us to turn her back over almost immediately. Tonight she showed us how strong she really is by holding her head high. 

WED - 1.13

It is so much fun to watch Kenna become more interactive. Just recently we have noticed her playing with the animals hanging from her play mat more and more. She has even grabbed on to the frog a few times. So many milestones for her are just around the corner!

TUES - 1.12

Mara was so excited for Daddy to get home so that she could help him shovel the large amount of snow that we got. She had so much fun throwing the snow up in the air and watching it fall around her. They were out there for at least an hour tonight and she was shoveling almost the entire time being just the cutest little helper. 

MON - 1.11

Daddy's new toy and purchased with no time to spare. We're in for quite a bit of snow tonight. Mom is hoping for a snow day tomorrow! 

SUN - 1.10

Mara was eager to show off how much of a big girl she is today by helping Mom change the sheets on all of the beds today. Isn't she just the cutest little helper? Love her! 

SAT - 1.9

Family photos taken at the family Christmas today. Two new babies were added to the family over the past couple of months. These five little girl cousins are going to have so much fun as they grow up together!
Also, I had to take a comparison shot. Some days I think they look exactly the same and others I think they are completely different. Who do you think wore it better? :)
These photos were taken just a moment apart. It is amazing how quickly an infant's mood can change! Never a dull moment with two! 

FRI - 1.8

Bottle feeding woes...the lengths we are all going to to get Kenna to take a bottle. She hasn't hardly taken one all week but we had some success today with spoon feeding and a syringe. A couple new bottles came in the mail for us to try this weekend. I am hoping we have some better luck! 

THURS - 1.7

I feel I should call this a "flashback Thursday." I remember Mara doing the exact same thing some mornings before heading to daycare. Waking up is so hard to do some days!

TUES - 1.5

I love watching the bond between my girls grow! Kenna loves to watch the bundle of movement Mara is and Mara loves to talk and coo at Kenna. Having a sister is a wonderful thing! 

MON - 1.4

Here goes nothing...Mom is heading back to work after 14 wonderful weeks home with my baby. I am going to miss spending my days with Kenna so much (just like I did with Mara when I had to return to work with her). Kenna still hasn't taken a bottle for us but once or twice so I am praying that she is more willing with Mr. Rex and Ms. Toni. Fingers crossed...

On a sidenote, I had to dig this purple outfit out for Kenna to wear today since it was the outfit Mara wore of her first day as well. Silly, I know, but special to me all the same. :)

SUN - 1.3

Kenna is getting big enough to start to interact with her eager big sister. I loved this view tonight as Mara was gently pushing her around the living room in her little baby stroller. Don't and dad stayed very close the entire time!