7.31.13 - New Food

We tried these for the first time tonight. We can pick them up and she can eat them but she can't seem to put them in her own mouth. We'll keep working on it...

7.30.13 - Burrrr...

This cold weather forced this upon us. I think she's cute but her daddy thinks it is a little early for animal prints. The tutu was also a little much for him. :)

7.28.13 - 8 Months!

Seeing balloons for the first time. She was mesmerized by them. This girl is always so curious and is constantly learning so much about the world around her. It is so cool to witness!

7.27.13 - It's Official!

We were so happy to celebrate the marriage of Aunt Katelyn and (now officially) Uncle Johnny. It was a wonderful occasion full of love and joy, and Katelyn made the most beautiful bride. Congrats you two! We are so happy to have Johnny in the family!

7.19.13 - Buddies

Mara is getting more and more curious about Kenzie. Kenzie tolerates the attention.

7.16.13 - I'll Take It!!!

After swinging at the Brunner's the other week we knew we needed to have one at home. We may or may not have walked through Home Depot with her in the swing with a huge smile on her face... :)

7.15.13 - Clean Bill of Health

A clean bill of health for our four legged baby girl! Only concerning comment was the one that used the word "geriatric." :(

7.14.12 - Another Adventure

We paused on this morning's bike ride to give Mara a chance to wade in this water with her daddy. 

7.12.13 - Jodie's Getting Hitched

A little line dancing in preparation for Miss Mohrhardt to become Mrs. Dawson!

7.10.13 - Eating Real Bananers!

She can't quite pick them up yet on her own but she definitely knows what to do with them when they do make it into her mouth. What a big girl!

7.8.13 - Happy Birthday Ty Man!

He is so full of energy and is such a joy! I can't believe little Tyler is 4 already!

7.6.13 - Another Woodard Wedding

I didn't quite get non-blurry shot of the guests of honor but it is easy to see that it was a beautiful and fun occasion. Congrats Kyle and Kaytie!

7.5.13 - Happy Birthday Daddy!

Daddy picked sushi for dinner and it was an adventure for all! Grandma and grandpa attempted using chopsticks and eating sushi for the first time. 

7.3.13 - Mara and Abby

Mara got to hang out with her friend Abby from California this evening. They were so interested in each other that we couldn't even get them to look at the camera for a picture. The handholding is priceless!

7.1.13 - A Future Musician

She is always so entertained by making noise with this. Now she is able to use her hands instead of her feet. Happy girl!