MON - 11.30

Let the Christmas Holiday decorating begin! We took the girls to pick out their Christmas ornaments today. For Makenna we got the traditional "Baby's First Christmas" ornament. Mara at first thought she wanted a star but then quickly changed her mind and went with the "Big Sister" ornament. Just more proof of how much she loves her new role! 

SUN - 11.29

Daddy taking his girls for a walk giving Mama a moment to herself. He is such a good man and daddy!

SAT - 11.28

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARA!!! Snapshots of Mara over the last year...I can't believe she is three! It has been a crazy and wonderful year. My girl is getting so big, is still talking up a storm, and is so smart. She can count to 30 (she somehow manages to skip "16" each time), knows the days of the week and the months of the year, loves to sing the ABC's, and is a creature of habit. She loves to help in any way she can and knows all of the words to all of the Frozen songs. She is such a joy and we love her so much!!!
Opening her birthday presents from Mom and Dad and enjoying her super special birthday treat that she picked out at the store this morning with Daddy...watermelon!!! 
We then had a family birthday celebration for both Mara and Uncle Jason mixed in with some Thanksgiving turkey! I love the comfort food of this season!

FRI - 11.27

Mara picked out a Clifford movie for her special birthday movie at the video store with Daddy tonight! 

THURS - 11.26

 Mara, Lauren, and Kenna...we are going to be in trouble when these girls get bigger! 
Let the birthday celebrations begin! Time has passed so quickly! I can't believe she is going to be three in just a couple of days!

TUES - 11.24

Kenna, Daddy, and I put together this birthday surprise from Grandma and Grandpa tonight after Mara went to bed. It was a little more difficult than we expected (Kenna fell asleep at step 23) but I expect it will all be worth it when she sees it for the first time tomorrow! 

MON - 11.23

Taking full advantage of Mara's obsession with Doc Mcstuffins to help her learn to recognize the number 1 - 10. We worked through them a couple times today, making the connection between the number and the value, and tracing the number with our finger each time. Mara then sat Daddy down when he got home from work and did the exact same thing with him. It was the most adorable thing to watch her lovingly teach her daddy. 
Having some fun with the stickers Mr. Ross and Miss Jeana sent us when we became a big sister. 

SAT - 11.21

 Today we got to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Little Miss Cassing. We can't wait to meet her soon! We are so happy for Uncle Jason and Aunt Nancy. 
Later, Mara built miniature snowman with Grandma to celebrate the first snowstorm of the year. What a fun way to play with the snow indoors where it is nice and warm. 

FRI - 11.20

The beautiful smiles we get to see more and more often. We just love them and her so much!!!

THURS - 11.19

Mara had a date tonight with Miss Kelsey to make her "I'm a Big Sister" Olaf at Build-A-Bear. She absolutely loves her time with Miss Kelsey and her new Olaf! 

MON - 11.16

I love my Kenna snuggles. I remember not allowing myself to do this enough with Mara when she was young. She then went through a long period in which she would not snuggle at all which really made me regret this. I hope my girls will always love sitting together with me as much as I will enjoy sitting with them!

SUN - 11.15

More pictures of Mara and Daddy dancing because I love it so much!!! It is always to the same song. Mara knows the song by heart and insists that he dances with he whenever it comes on. I might have to suggest that this is the song they dance to at her wedding. The song is "Never Say Never" by The Frey. 

SAT - 11.14

Enjoying some morning coffee with my Mara. She loves to pretend she is drinking coffee just like me and even used the closest cup in her cupboard to a coffee mug. 

FRI - 11.13

The beautiful double rainbow that we were able to see from end to end! It was amazing!

THURS - 11.12

Someone is starting to maintain eye contact and SMILE! I needed these smiles today!

WED - 11.11

We finally got Kenna to take a bottle. We had to use all of Mom's tricks (holding her hand while rocking her back and forth and gently tapping her bottom with your other hand) but we were able to get almost an ounce in her. I hope feedings aren't this tricky as a toddler (and beyond)! 

TUES - 11.10

While I am home on maternity leave Daddy has taken on the role of getting Mara ready in the morning as well as all transportation to and from daycare. It has been such a blessing being able to get a little more sleep in the mornings and afternoons since Makenna isn't great about giving Mama breaks yet. This pic shows how good Daddy is at doing Mara's hair now that he has had all of this time to practice. It might have taken him 20 minutes but it think it looks pretty dang good. I married a keeper!

MON - 11.9

Some last minute photos before heading home. Saying goodbye can be so hard sometime. Until Christmas...

SUN - 11.8

Random baby cuteness moments! It is going to be fun watching these little ones grow up together. Also, Maranda encouraging Mara to make a mess...thanks Maranda!

SAT - 11.7

Our view this morning while we drank our tea/coffee. Let the weekend of fun begin. At least the adults still outnumber the children. 
Grandma and Mara adventures. Grandma and Grandpa whisked Mara away for the morning and had so much fun playing at the park, searching for leaves, and making some beautiful fall crafts. Mara loves spending time with them but I think the feeling is mutual!

FRI - 11.6

Mara sleeping on her travel cot for the first time. It was worth every penny!

WED - 11.4

A beautiful day for my first run since Makenna's arrival! It felt glorious!

TUES - 11.3

Mara and Daddy enjoying the unusually warm November weather at the park. Mara just loves this flexible bridge!

MON - 11.2

Making some homemade applesauce in the crock pot for the first time.  I was a little over ambitious when purchasing apples this fall so this was my solution for using them.  I haven't made applesauce since I was a little girl with my mom and the smell of this brought back so many warm memories. :)