SUN - 11.30

We pulled out my old doll house and trolls for Miss M today. This brought back many childhood memories and wonderful thoughts of my grandpa. 

FRI - 11.28

Happy Birthday to my baby girl!!! I can't believe I have a two year old!

We spent the day celebrating our little one at the Children's Museum. 

WED - 11.26

Birthday celebrations Part 1 with Elmo!

Our family thankfulness tree. This has become our before Thanksgiving meal tradition. 

TUES - 11.25

This girl loves her books and grandma's rocking chair is right next to the bookshelf. So sweet!

MON - 11-24

It is nice to hear when you are doing a good job for the next generation. 

WED - 11.19

Ever since Mr. Mike showed her new ways to play with this car she has not just sat in it! Thanks Mr. Mike. I'll be sending you future emergency room visit bills!

MON - 11.17

She couldn't decide between playing with baby Ruth, sliding down her slide, and reading so she did all three at once. 

SUN - 11.16

All this Christmas shopping this weekend really tuckered us out!

FRI - 11.14

So excited to help shovel some of the first snow of the year.

WED - 11.12

What other toddler do you know of that loves black olives?!?!?

MON - 11.10

Enjoying the last hours of warm weather this year by taking a bike ride with our best buddy from across the street.

SUN - 11.9

Helping with the dusting. She was so happy to be helping! 

SAT - 11.8

Even though the day started at 2 am with a decent fever, little girl was a trooper. Her fever broke late in the evening and we got to have some family fun with some dominoes. 

WED - 11.5

Someone went in a big girl potty again today and was rewarded with some M&Ms. Do notice that she ate them one color at a time; first the brown, then yellow, blue, and red. She didn't finish them. At least I know she isn't color blind!

TUES - 11.4

The things you willingly and happily do for the joy of your kids!

SUN - 11.2

Can't wait to see the rest of the photos taken in today's photo session by my talented coworker!!!