WED - 5.28

We thought it would be cute to have her play in the sandpit tonight for the first time. She was so upset about it that she had to be snuggled for a while after. :(

MON - 5.26

This is how we spent our Memorial Day weekend. We have a ton to do yet but it is starting to look better (at least the front half)!

WED - 5.21

It is never a good sign to see this when you walk into the kitchen. 

SAT - 5.17

First time these wheels are hitting the pavement. She didn't quite know what to do...

WED - 5.14

A girl's first dandelion is important. I'm looking forward to bouquets of randomly picked flowers from her in the future.

TUES - 5.13

Doing her part to keep the house clean by bringing her dirty clothes to the laundry hamper each day. 

MON - 5.12

Even though we love the warmer weather and testing out our newly discovered walking skills outside, we don't love the fact that shorts leave us with unprotected knees when we fall. :( 

SAT - 5.10

Had a blast hiking and swinging at a nearby park to celebrate Mother's Day with Grandma. Her smiles are so perfect and heartwarming!!!

FRI - 5.9

Someone didn't want to go to sleep. Instead she decided to rip down her mobile in protest. This girl has got some spunk! 

THURS - 5.8

Our first trip this season on the bikes. Miss M is still a fan! 
What a difference a year can make! First Bike Ride

WED - 5.7

Somebody thought that the noises mama was making were pretty silly. 

TUES - 5.6

Being a math teacher I tend to focus on numbers a lot. Today I had my students create their own rules for a game when given a spinner that comprised of 6 equal sections, numbered 1-6, each containing a different animal. The majority of the groups created highly competitive games that just focused on the numbers (as I would have done) but one group stood out. Their game was to draw a physical attribute of whatever animal the spinner landed on in an attempt to make the goofiest animal. Here were the results of the first game. I loved them both and almost couldn't pick. What a great reminder of how wonderfully creative my students are and how different they view even the littlest things than I do. 

SAT - 5.3

Someone was not in the mood to have her picture taken. She is starting to be more and more camera shy which breaks my heart. I want to capture and hold into all of her adorable moments, milestones, and sweet smiles. 

FRI - 5.2

Just trying to find a comfortable position in which to watch Clifford's Puppy Days. Don't judge.