SAT - 2.28

All of Daddy's girls snuggling on the couch.

SAT - 3.28

Tonight Miss M joined mom and dad on a date. She was such a flirt with all of the tables around us and was on her best behavior. Here she is eating green beans for the first time and loving it. She usually avoids new foods but she was more than willing to try them tonight. 

SUN - 2.22

There is something so special about the bound between a child and a dog. 

SAT - 2.21

She always likes the idea of a donut but then is never satisfied, especially if there a sprinkles. She spends more time picking up the mess made by the sprinkles than eating the donut. 

SUN - 2.15

Having an adventure playing at Impression Five on a sunny Sunday afternoon. 

SAT - 2.14

She was having the best time playing in this cage (for a minute or two which is the typical attention span of a toddler). 

FRI - 2.13

I can't believe I was able to get a smile out of her while trying on a dress! Point for mom!

THURS - 2.12

Enjoying some potato chips and cottage cheese. Don't knock it till you try it! That's my girl!!!

MON - 2.9

I think she get her eye sensitivity to light from her daddy. Sunglasses in the car are a must for this girl. 

SAT - 2.7

Miss M living it up with grandma and her aunt while we are away. 

FRI - 2.6

Enjoying some time away up north with friends (missing her like crazy the whole time). 

THURS - 2.5

She loves, loves. LOVES reading in her new elephant chair. 

TUES - 2.3

Of course the "mystery" flavored sucker she got at the grocery store would be the one that stains the best! She sure did love it though!!!