TUES - 1.31

This oldie-but-a-goodie toy has been the favorite this past week. She never opens the compartments using the levers and seems to daily get a finger pinched, but she refuses to let the toy win or scare her away! Stubborn tendencies? Never! Not my child...

SUN - 1.29

Today we got to hang out with Aunt Katelyn and Uncle Johnny at the Children's Museum to celebrate Uncle Johnny's upcoming birthday. Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Bob bought us a membership for Christmas and this is the first time we were able to go. I think this is the first time Kenna has been here at all. The goal walking in was to keep the girls together so that I would be able to bring them here this summer when it was just me and them. That plan went right out the window! They were off and running and exploring in different directions within a minute. Though I have fear about doing it this summer, watching them play and create and imagine today was so much fun!

SAT - 1.28

Somedays she is as happy as a clam to brush her teeth (walks around the house showing off just how big and independent she is) and other days it seems we have to hold her down to get this toothbrush in her mouth. What gives? Sore gums from teething? Tonight, as you can tell, was an easy one!

FRI - 1.27

We have created TWO monsters! Can't seem to get out of the mall without taking a spin on the carousel. 

THURS - 1.26

Someone was not in the mood to have her picture taken tonight...

SUN - 1.22

Everyone loved all of the sunshine and mud on today's hike at the local dog park. Kenzie definitely needed a bath after today's adventure. 

SAT - 1.21

I can't believe the weather is decent enough for us to go for a bike ride in January! Mara just loved that we were able to put the new streamers that Santa brought on her bike today!

FRI - 1.20

This girl has quite the strategy when it comes to Go Fish. She only asks for the same card each and every turn until you finally pick one up. This may seem like a silly strategy until you realize that you never know what she is holding in her hand! Look at those eyes...she totally knows she is going to win...again...

WED - 1.18

This little munchkin was in the goofiest mood tonight! She always loves to run around in just her diaper after bath time and tonight she wanted Mama to be her jungle-gym. My heart is so full!

TUES - 1.17

Today's hair-do couldn't quite keep up with out girl today...What was she doing?

SAT - 1.14

Addition #2 - A new light above the table. I still want to change out a couple more but I am loving what we have been able to do thus far! This all started when Grandma Woodard planted the seed with some home decor items she gave more for Christmas this year. We wanted to change some light fixtures but, since the old ones work just fine, didn't really feel like it was something we should spend money on. Turns out I could get gift cards to Lowes with the Excellence in Teaching award money I have received the last couple of years. I feel proud when I look at this because it is literally the fruits of my (and my students') labors!

FRI - 1.13

I love the new sign we hung in the kitchen tonight. Just one of many little additions/changes coming this winter. 

THURS - 1.12

Every week while Big Sis is in dance class, Kenna and Ellie have had the best time together. I am so thankful for this outgoing little ray of sunshine who is so excited to see and play with Kenna each week! They are quickly becoming the best of friends. 

WED - 1.11

Look at our beautiful girl! Pigtails with braids is her new favorite way to wear her hair even since Miss Toni did it the other day. 

TUES - 1.10

Kenna is starting to understand and communicate more and more. We just wish she would find a better way of telling us what she wants than crying and screaming. Here she is letting us know she is thirsty and would like her milk from the fridge. Look at that face!

MON - 1.9

Love my little doctors! Someone is constantly getting a "check-up" these days. I love hearing the different diagnoses that Mara comes up with after watching Doc McStuffins. I wish I could remember them!

SUN - 1.8

I made these fleece ponchos for the girls to wear in the car so that they can be buckled in and stay warm at the same time. Mara was so happy that she got the chance to pick out her own fabrics. She even picked out each of the raindrops that she wanted on the front (size, color, and placement). Kenna didn't have much of a choice but is just too cute with her lady bugs and butterflies!

SAT - 1.7

She feels like such a big girl when she does tasks that usually are reserved for Mom and Dad (this one is mostly saved for Dad). Today she carefully washed all of the utensils she used while playing with play-doh earlier. She is so responsible for a 4 year old!

FRI - 1.6

These new blocks are quickly becoming a favorite around this house!
I see you!

THURS - 1.5

I swear this girl loves to live life on the edge! No matter how many times I tell her not to climb on things or, you know, not to put plastic buckets on her head, she doesn't listen. In fact, she thinks it is funny making me tell her "no" over and over and over and over again. She's cute while doing it but I am scared for the teenage years...

WED - 1.4

I had to giggle when I looked in on Kenna tonight. This is the life! This pose makes it seem as though she doesn't have a care in the world! Enjoy little girlie!

TUES - 1.3

We have only recently been trusting this little monster with silverware and dishes. I guess tonight's dinner really hit the spot and she felt the need to lick her plate clean. For a child who refused to take a bottle for her first two weeks of daycare, she really has turned into quite the eater!

SUN - 1.1

We started the new year out on the right foot! We took a hike in the local park and threw snowballs into the little creek that wasn't frozen over.