1.30.14 - Talented Friends

A beautiful photo of our little sweetheart taken by my wonderfully talented lifelong friend. 

1.29.31 - New Favorite

She loves playing with this castle. Her favorite thing to do with it is to rip the flags off of the towers. 

1.27.14 - I Love Fishes Because They're So Delicious

Miss M eating a goldfish cracker for the first time on my fifth snow day of this school year. Another one already scheduled tomorrow too. So thankful for the extra time I get to spend in a nice warm home with my little sweet pea. 

1.26.14 - I See You!

She has been fascinated all weekend with pulling herself up on the end table in the loving room to look over the top and grab the remote for the lamps. The camera just happened to be sitting right there as she was doing it today and this is the result. I can't get over how blessed we are to have such a beautiful, happy little girl with this crazy, fun personality!!!

1.25.14 - On the Road

She seems to be feeling a little better. Our baby girl threw up this all over her daddy this morning and has a bad case of diaper rash at the moment. She was all smiles and talked up a storm as we ventured out to run some errands this blizzardy afternoon. 

1.23.14 - Independent Girl

She is starting to play more on her own. A blessing and a curse I suppose...

1.22.14 - Old Loves

We dug these out of the bottom of the toy basket and she turned into her old self; rolling on the floor like she didn't know how to sit up and crawl. It made us realize just how much she has grown and learned how to do in such a short amount of time. She needs to slow down!

1.21.14 - Taking Over

After her birthday and Christmas we have had to devote two shelves to her toys and books. Spoiled girl!

1.18.14 - The Phantom of the Opera

The show was almost good enough to make me forget that I was spending my first night away from my girl...almost...who am I kidding? I missed her little face like crazy!!!

1.13.14 - So Close Now

She is doing this all of the time now. I've been warned that our world is about to change...

1.12.14 - How?

I don't understand how she was able to do this in her sleep...

1.9.14 - Silly Kenzie

When she sleeps soundly we often find her with her tongue hanging out. This photo was taken not long after she woke up.

1.5.14 - Snow Adventures

Enjoying the snow that has fallen before the wind starts up. Mara was all smiles!

1.4.14 - Good Times

I love that all four do these guys are so close and loving being together. 

1.3.14 - Saying Goodbye to the Tree

We had such a wonderful holiday season. We are so blessed in so many ways. 

1.2.14 - Such a Climber

Everyday it seems like she learns something new. Today her climbing tendency inspired her to tackle going up the stairs all on her own. This is the first time she has even showed interest in the stairs but it didn't take her any time at all the figure it out. She is growing so fast!

1.1.14 - Go MSU!

Cheering MSU onto victory watching the Rose Bowl with the Maynard's.