WED - 6.29

Today we had our first trip this summer to the toddler reading time at the library. Emma and Flynn were able to come with us and we had the best time!
Also, Makenna turned 9 months old today! I can hardly believe it!
A comparison shot of my two girls when they were each 9 months old! 

TUES - 6.28

Mara discovered pure Michigan cherries tonight and she was a big fan. She was completely covered in all of the juice! To make things fun we started to paint on each other's faces with the droplets of juice that littered the counter. 

SAT - 6.25

Finally got a picture of her little tooth! Hello smiley girl!

FRI - 6.24

Mara just had the best day today! It started with a special breakfast treat with mom after going to the chiropractor (I always have hip issues when I start running more than a couple miles), and ended with her first time on a slip-n-slide. It took some convincing but we were able to get her on it, but only as long as the water was just flowing down it rather than shooting over it as it was designed to do. Oh yeah, Daddy thought it was fun too. :)

WED - 6.22

We decided to venture out to a local farmer's market for their yummy fresh food and children story time. Mara was too shy to sit and participate in the stories and songs until her little sis showed her how it was done. I was filled with such a sense of motherly love as I got to watch these two sit together. I only wish I thought of taking a picture just a few seconds earlier because then I would have been able to capture a picture of big sis with her arm around her little sis. So precious! 

MON - 6.20

One of Daddy's favorite things to do is to hang out in his hammock with his girls. 

SUN - 6.19

We love our Daddy! He is the best! Happy Father's Day darling!
First family of four boat ride on Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Bob's boat. Both girls love being on the water!

FRI - 6.17

What a beautiful and fun filled day! We got to picnic outside and play in the sprinklers for hours. Mara was having the best time and she is constantly getting more confident with water she can't control. Makenna was also having the best time playing on the blanket with her giant car (which, in her opinion, is the best thing to pull herself to standing on) and the little barn toy that was Mara's absolute favorite when she was her age. My heart is so full thinking about how lucky I am to get to spend my days with my girls. 

THURS - 6.16

Another perk of being home for the summer is having a private pancake breakfast with this little cutie!

WED - 6.15

Makenna has been working hard trying to master the skill of pulling herself to the standing position for quite some time now. Today she finally accomplished her goal and was so very impressed with herself. I feel like she is sending the message that this Mama needs to prepare for this game-changer move in the bottom left photo. Nothing is holding her back now! Also, her new favorite toy is the caterpillar tunnel. She kept crawling back and forth through it, playing peek-a-boo by looking back at me and giggling like crazy as Mara and I would try to chase/grab her legs as she went. Just thinking about it makes me smile. What a fun personality she has and I love it!

MON - 6.13

We started a responsibility chart with Mara last week. It was something she got for Christmas but only recently put it up. Each night we talk about the day with her to see if she did a number to tasks for herself (getting dressed and brushing her teeth) and around the house (cleaning up her toys, feeding Kenzie, putting her dishes in the sink). My favorite is when she has to tell us how she shared that day. I love hearing little stories from the day that I don't usually get to know about as she searches for an example of sharing. She really seems to like the chart and I have noticed her willingness to be a little more independent when it comes to completing tasks since it has started. 

SUN - 6.12

We went for an innocent family walk today to enjoy some of the intense weather of this heat wave. Daddy thought it would be fun to run the girls through a couple sprinklers that were spraying over the sidewalk...the girls weren't on the same page. These pictures are priceless! 

SAT - 6.11

This tree is about to become the newest addition to our landscaping! We just had to get a photo around it. 

THURS - 6.9

Kenna had the best sleepy-lips when I went to get her up this morning. So cute!!!

WED - 6.8

We love avocados and chewing (or rather - "gumming") our own food! She is a huge mess afterwards but watching her learn and figure things out is such a treat! 

MON - 6.6

Mara can be found sitting on this counter daily helping us make food. Today's task consisted of making dill pickles with daddy. She really took her job seriously (notice the look of concentration) and was a great little helper!

SUN - 6.5

Let the sister wrestling matches begin! Both of them loved it and the giggling was music to my ears. They are definitely at the age where they are starting to play more together. This summer is going to be so much fun!

SAT - 6.4

I can't take these goofy kids anywhere! We ventured out to a local farmer's market and brewery for lunch and this is what I got when I was trying to a take a few pics. Love these little jokesters! Also, random family moment. We totally ran into my cousin's family from the other side of the state while eating lunch. Small world! 

FRI - 6.3

What a fun Friday night we had! This is why you can't send me to a nursery by myself. Also, this only filled about half of what I was hoping to plant this weekend. Looks like I may be going back to purchase more tomorrow. Thanks babe for humoring me as I try to make our yard pretty each spring. 

THURS - 6.2

Mama Mara showing off her super snuggling skills with Baby Ruth. This baby doll has been a long time favorite of Mara's and just has such a special meaning to us since it was a gift from her Great Grandma Ruth. This is definitely a toy that we will keep forever. 

WED - 6.1

I got to spend some much needed Jodie time with this girl downtown tonight! Also, a tooth finally came through! I'll take a picture as soon as she will let me take one. The little stinker keeps sticking her tongue out whenever I even try to take a look!